The Model of the Wagon
The Stuffed Crocodile model wagon is 30 cm long, 16cm wide and 22cm high.
The model horse was a lucky find at a Berlin flea market!
The full scale wagon will have solar panels on the roof so that as the sun sets during the early evening shows, hidden fairy lights about the wagon will lend it an even more magical appearance.
Below is the road side view of the wagon - in the UK that is the right side. On the model we have just a suggestion of an antique circus sideshow banner. The actual banner will serve to promote the show and I hope that we can find a way to add specific venue details for each upcoming performance.
But I will also be webcasting and sending out Tweets too! Yes, there will be some tech involved so that I can charge my camera and laptop and upload the GoPro footage every day. More about that in another post.
The position of the door is another unique feature of the Brush Wagon. On a typical Vardo the door or entrance way is at the front, behind the driver. On a brush wagon the door is at the back - enabling the salesman to trade with the customer without the horse getting in the way.
Below you can see the back door sarcophagus. I have always been enthralled by the stories and photos of Howard Carter’s 1922 archaeological dig and, I must confess, almost as much by the legend of the 'Curse of the Pharaohs' and what allegedly befell various members of Carter's expedition.
These where the first photos I saw of Charlotte’s model. It was a very magical and even emotional experience to finally see something that, I had for some two years only imagined, now becoming a reality - albeit a miniature one!
Charlotte put the model on her balcony - just to give it a bit of context with the trees in the background. It really got my wanderlust going!
The two images above are unique. Charlotte landed a very nice job working on set for Steven Spielberg’s next film, currently being shot in Berlin, so she didn’t have time to check with me where the octopus should go! This was the first image I saw with the roof elements in place. I love how she has translated her artwork into model form. I call this one The Stuffed Octopus because he should be on the back!!
This is The Stuffed Crocodile Story Wagon as it should be. I very much hope you like it.