The Stuffed Crocodile
Horse drawn Wonder Wagon!
A stuffed crocodile hung from the ceiling of the Wunderkammern or Cabinets of Wonder owned by the rulers and aristocracy of Renaissance Europe. Their private collections of extraordinary objects were like a microcosm or ‘theatre' of the world.
They were not scientifically ordered and catalogued private museums but rather secret shrines to amazement, temples of wonderment.
'These cabinets were filled with preserved animals, horns, tusks, skeletons, minerals, as well as other interesting man-made objects: sculptures wondrously old, fine or small; clockwork automata …often they would contain a mix of fact and fiction, including apparently mythical creatures...'
(Wiki; Cabinet of curiosities)
Our crocodile is carved out of wood but I like to think, that in spirit at least, it is unshackled and free; ever hungry for wonder and enchantment.